About Us

About Us

Human capital is becoming one of the most discussed topics around the world. Most fortune 500 companies are focusing their efforts on hiring the right candidates and ensuring they are able to retain the once who are already performing well for them. Today business leaders are looking for quality talent to deliver rapid, sustainable and efficient growth.


According to a study from the National Business Research Institute 

"66% of employers said they experienced negative effects of bad hires in 2012. Of these employers, 37% said the bad hire negatively affected employee morale. Another 18% said the bad hire negatively impacted client relationships. And 10% said the bad hire caused a decrease in sales".


That is a huge number, such kind of wastage effects the bottom line in terms of money and time. According to a survey by Careerbuilder.com, 24% of US employers estimate that a single bad hire can cost then more than 50,000 dollars.

According to HR.com "It costs $7,000 to replace a salaried employee, $10,000 to replace a mid-level employee, and $40,000 to replace a senior executive". 

In fact, close to 60% of hiring within a company is done to replace people who have left the company.

Companies’ want that the recruitment process should be more efficient so that you get it right the first time and reduce the losses that might be caused due to hiring the wrong candidates.

PRAXIS LEADERS was created out of this need; the ultimate benefit of us is that we enhance the overall recruitment process in the market. Our clients demand not only convenience but also a peace of mind that they are dealing with quality output and don't have to have the fear coming across fake, unreliable sources of profiles/ candidates. We are determine to work with your HR leadership to ensure that only the right candidate is selected for the right position. We look at recruitment as a perfect marriage where the employee and the employer are working hand in hand to achieve extraordinary results.

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